Tuesday, May 28, 2013

motivation, motivaion, motivation

I've learned something in the past week or so; getting in shape is HARD. Hard, hard, hard. If anyone has ever tried to eat healthy, exercise, get decent sleep, etc, etc...they know what I'm talking about. I'm not a completely unhealthy individual. I'm not humongous, and I can walk up stairs without completely dying. However, my lifestyle is not what I want it to be or what it SHOULD be for that matter. So, I'm making changes!

I could lose a solid 30 pounds and be okay. But that's not even necessarily what I'm going for! I want to be healthy. I want to be in shape and actually enjoy physical activity. And even though I've just begun, I'm totally getting there! I've surrounded myself with someone who really loves physical activity, and she is such a good influence on me. She encourages me to keep pushing even if I'm exhausted! Having good influences helps more than any amount of dedication. Or at least it does for me. I am nothing without the people that surround me. So, thankfully, I'm lucky enough to have a great motivator!

The past few days I've done Insanity, bike riding. weight lifting, and running/walking. Plus I've been eating semi-healthier. There's no doubt about the fact that I FEEL so much better. So much. When you treat your body right, then your body is going to treat YOU right. My body wants to commit a very violent murder on me while I'm working out, but afterwards it thanks me. If you've never been very active or into working out and whatnot, I encourage you to try it. Physical activity has never ever been my friend...except maybe in 7th grade when I ran track and cross country. Those days are long gone though. But, hopefully they're coming back! With a clean body and mind and whatnot, I'm able to accomplish so much more. Or at least I feel as if I am, and that's enough to MAKE me accomplish more.

At UTK, I'm making it my personal goal to stay fit. I really want to run 5ks often. Like, twice a month or so. Doing something like running is so good for you, and running for a cause makes it even better! Plus, the plethora of tshirts that I would acquire is so exciting to think about! I do love a good tshirt.. 
Well, since I just started, I can't really see a change in myself yet. But I can't wait until I can! Stay motivated, y'all, because I know I am!

xoxo, Liv

Saturday, May 25, 2013

sappy night #1

I have a very very big heart. I already knew this, but today really set it in stone for me. Someone I really really care about left today for the entire summer. He's a one-of-a-kind man and I'm blessed to have him as such an integral part of my life. My boyfriend literally hands me the world on a silver platter every time I see him. This summer is going to be so difficult for me without him..

Ladies, let me tell you something: if the man in your life doesn't treat you like the prize you are, then he's not a man and he does NOT deserve you. So many girls put up with so much unnecessary meanness, and it absolutely positively breaks my hard. Girls, if this is you, I've been in your shoes. I've been in demeaning relationships and relationships that were held together by something as weak as a small fragile string. It is not worth it. You need a man. A man who treats you like a princess.

My boyfriend is a very special individual. He puts a huge emphasis on the little things, which puts a huge emphasis on my smile! He knows how to be a classy gentleman. He always opens the car door for me - something that I haven't seen males do in ages. He knows how to be fun-loving and crazy. He can sing country and rap like nobody's business...all in a matter of minutes. He'll tickle me until I want to pee myself, all to get a smile. He also knows how to be cute and sweet. I get nose kisses and forehead kisses just as often as I get regular kisses. He's seriously perfect. Or at least he's perfect for me.

The boy may never ever know exactly how much he truly means to me, but I'm sure gonna try my best to make it blatantly obvious.

This summer, though I can have scattered visits, is going to be long. It's going to be difficult. But I trust him, and I know we'll be okay.

Apologies all around for sappy nights with Olivia.. They don't happen too often, but this one was needed. Here's a cute picture of us to either make matters better or worse. You decide.

xoxo, Liv

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

be the change

"You can do anything." "The sky is the limit" "You're gonna do great things."

All of these are things that I've heard a great deal of in the past month. Graduation is the time when everyone gives you all of the encouraging advice that they should have been giving you for the past thirteen years of your life. I've been lucky; I've always had amazing encouragers in my life. I've heard those things so frequently that I've been able to do something different with the advice: interpret it. Of course everyone is going to interpret it, but, naturally, I'm a little biased towards my interpretation. 

Everyone knows the saying, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Am I right? Well, whether you've heard it or not, it's a great saying that has a newfound meaning for me. All of the advice I've been given the past two weeks has all mashed together and become just that; the change. Be the change. I WANT to be the change. I know I'm not the only one, but I'm determined. In order to change the big world, I have to change my small one. "How are you going to do that?" one may ask. The answer is simple: take a step back. 

I can't take full credit for this next idea, because someone proposed this thought to me. However, it's a beautiful thought and it deserves to be shared with the world. 

Look up at the stars. They look so tiny; so minuscule. They look as if you could hold them in the palm of your hand and just watch them as they twinkle. But really, stars are massive balls of fire. They could engulf things much larger than our entire planet. Have you ever tried to reach a star? It's impossible because the distance is so great. But they're beautiful. 

Whether you realize it or not, the stars do something for our world. Though they appear small in size, they provide a sea of beauty that helps embellish the night sky. The stars are a lot like us. Compared to the world, we seem insignificant and tiny. But really, we can make a difference. Be a star. Be something that looks tiny, but actually withholds something strong and powerful. Be something that people look up to. Just as the little stars withhold a burning fire, find a burning fire within yourself. Find a passion for something, somewhere. If you can find that passion, you can make a difference, and you can be the change. 

What is MY passion? This is my battle right now. However, no battle goes unresolved. 

Be the change. You are the change. I am the change. 

xoxo, Liv