Monday, September 30, 2013

social media cleanse

This will be short, but worthy.

Right now my life is so scattered and out of whack. Everywhere I turn I have exams, assignments due, a room to clean, and people to please. Instead of being productive all of the time, I spend a great deal of my time on social media. So, it's time for a social media cleanse.

Yes, I know blogging is kind of social media, but I'm going to stretch it because: 
A) writing is good for the soul, and 
B) nobody reads this thing anyways so it isn't like I'm interacting with people. 

I've never done a cleanse like this before, but I feel like it will benefit me more than any other cleanse I could do. I hope to focus in on studying, classes, and actually utilizing my time, whether it be for sleep or work. I'm going to do this for two weeks to see where I end up. I'm really determined to not give in early, and I think the outcome is going to be a huge help to me and the way I feel about college life in general. 

So, wish me luck, y'all! This is an adventure I'm not so sure I'm ready to tackle. 

xoxo, Liv

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