After lunch we went and took a bus tour all around the city. New Orleans is so big. Like...I knew it was a decent sized city, but there's so much to it! So much! We sat on the top level of a double decker bus and got to listen to a bunch of historical fun facts and see so many different things. We got to see the garden district and the really cool cemeteries. We got to see all of the nooks and crannies and cute restaurants and boutiques and everything. It was really neat. When we got off the bus, the bus driver gave us beads so that was also really awesome!
After the bus ride my mom and grandmother went back to the casino...go figure. Becca and I then headed towards the French Quarter and made a stop at Café Du Monde. Of course we got beignets, and we both got chocolate milk to go along with it. It was like a funnel cake on crack aka the best thing I've ever ingested. I kind of felt 500 pounds afterwards though... But we won't go there. From Café Du Monde we headed to Foot Locker and bought some new Norts. Norts make me love my life and inspire me to work out so that was good for today!
When we got back to the hotel my mom and grandmother were ready for dinner. We had intended on going to this Italian place. We took a trolley and everything....and the restaurant was shut down. Our luck. So we walked a little farther and found this adorable little café. I don't even remember the name of it, but it was wonderful! I wasn't really hungry at all, but I got an Arnold Palmer (my fave) and some tomato crab bisque. They meshed perfectly and it was seriously the perfect dinner. Then we walked to a froyo place! But I was way too full for froyo so Becca got to enjoy that one! Then we headed back to our room.
I put legs to my inspiration and followed up my day with a run. A run. Me. ....I don't run. Ever. But I'm glad I did! I feel really good now. Even though it was on a treadmill, I ran a mile and a half straight through. That's a huge accomplishment for me! Even though that seems minute, it was like climbing a mountain. I can remember when I used to be able to run like 3 miles...not anymore! But I was really proud of myself, even if it kicked my butt.
Now, here I am. Blogging about my fourth day in this beautiful city. I love it here and part of me never wants to leave! However, it's taking a toll on my body. I'm exhausted. But I love it. So I'm going to keep exhausting myself and save the sleeping for home sweet home! Two more full days, New Orleans....bring it on!
Enjoy more pitchaaaaaas.
xoxo, Liv
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