Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I haven't blogged in a good while.. I apologize to the like...two people that read this!
If you're interested in the rest of my New Orleans trip: ask me. I'll post something if people care.. But I got so busy that I didn't have time to post then and there!

This post, however, is going to be about my future...my college, future that is.

Ya'll...I'm so excited. And so stinking nervous at the same time. It's easy to be confident and say that everything is going to work beautifully for me and that I'm smart so I'll ace everything and that people will love me...but I could be wrong. I could be very wrong.

What if I flunk?

What if people think I'm weird?

What if I get caught up in the wrong crowd and then I don't even know who I really am anymore?

So many things haunt me. But, I'm ready for change. I'm ready to face the world of Knoxville. Stepping outside the safety net of Cleveland that has been my home for the past 18 years of my life is so invigorating. It's the kind of scary that's needed. Good scary. Everyone needs to see the world, and even though Knoxville is only right down the road, it's still different. People have different views and there's a substantial amount of variety! Variety makes me a happy girl. I can't wait to meet new people and broaden the types of friends that I have around. Hopefully others will feel the way I do! I'm sure I'm not the only one scared of making friends though.

My studies terrify me. Who wouldn't be terrified of nuclear engineering? Frankly, it's a terrifying thing to even say! Hopefully I won't lose my ambition or love of learning. Hopefully I'll continue to thrive in my intelligence, and I'll be successful whereever I end up...whether it be nuclear engineering or somewhere else!

In a nutshell, I'm so ready for college. I'm ready to grow up and see what the world has to offer.

Goodbye, Cleveland.

Hello, Knoxville.

Well...in a month that is. :)

xoxo, Liv

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