My boyfriend is the sweetest, meanest individual alive.
Why, you may ask? Well, let me tell you... Saturday, the 13th, was mine and Patrick's three months. Patrick usually comes home like...every weekend, and I assumed this weekend was no different. Boy, I was wrong. Sort of. He tricked me into believing that he was going dirt bike riding with his friend and her family instead of coming home. I was PISSED, y'all. Like, beyond mad. It was bad.
I get really mean when I'm angry, whether I mean to or not. I wasn't mean to him in a sense of telling him how awful he was or that I hated him or anything, but I was very careful in my words. The few words I DID say, including my lack of words, probably made him feel worse than I felt. And I really regret that now.
He plotted together with 4 of my closest friends, and my mom, so nobody would make plans with me. My mom told me that her and I were going out to dinner and then shopping after work. I walk in my house and I talk to her and she kept encouraging me to go change my clothes. I walked in my room, and Patrick was sitting there and he said, "Happy three months." I almost pissed myself and said a few choice words. I did not expect him there. He then took me out and we had an amazing night :)
The moral of this story is that Patrick is still the most amazing guy ever. The little things he does for me are incredible. He lied to me and stuck through me being mega-bitch all to see a huge smile on my face. And it was totally worth it. He is absolutely perfect. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend in my life.
I am the luckiest girl alive. :)
xoxo, Liv
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