This commercial has caused SO much controversy here in the U.S.... But why? Haven't we left the days of racism and close minded-ness in the dust? Weren't those mindsets buried in the graves of America's long-gone slave owners? I suppose not.
People have said cruel, cruel things. Not only have the things been cruel, but they have been ignorant as well. "We speak English here in America," "The National Anthem is supposed to be in English," "Your going to lose our business," (yes I used the wrong form of "you're" for emphasis).. These, along with many other vulgar comments, were posted all over Coca-Cola's Facebook page and clouded all of our Twitter feeds.
I have so, so many issues with everything that was said. Coca-Cola did NOT use the National Anthem in their commercial. English is NOT the only language spoken in America. And if people think they can go longer than a week without a Coke, they're probably wrong. Personally, I think all of these people speaking out against Coca-Cola for their commercial are tainting America's image that has been built up since before any of us were put on this Earth.
I loved the commercial, and here's why:
I love diversity. I thrive off of the integration of different cultures that surrounds me each and everyday. I recognize that the world, even the country, we live in is more diverse than it has EVER been, and that is a beautiful thing. I am a firm believer that in order to understand your own culture you must also understand cultures around you. America is a country of opportunity. That is something we, as citizens, should be proud of. Seeing people of all shapes, sizes, nationalities, classes, etc. come together should give us all the tinglies inside. We should look at this like a proud mom looks at her 4th grader for winning a spelling bee. America is incredible. And this we owe a great deal to diversity.
So, I applaud Coca-Cola. I got chill bumps when I saw the commercial, and I do not even hesitate to say it was my favorite commercial of the night, even beating out the adorable little puppy in the Budweiser commercial.
I advise everyone to take a deep breath, look at the world around you, and have a Coke. It'll do us all some good.
xoxo, Liv
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