Blogging everyday is hard. H-A-R-D..Hard. Even blogging once a week...Or once a month if you're me (oops). However, I could say I'm attempting to blog more, BUT, that never works out for me. So I'm just going to continue doing what I feel like doing and maybe, just maybe, something beneficial will come out of it.
I'm already almost a month into the semester and it has been an absolute blur. I've taken on the extreme task of 18 hours *gasp*and can feel it slowly but surely killing me. But, I have a plan. I HAVE A PLAN YOU GUYS. I haven't been very certain about my plan the entire time I've been here, but now I've got something down. I've got life goals and aspirations and a major that will hopefully get me going on the right path towards that. Much like writing down goals or whatevs in hopes that you'll be more inspired to keep them, putting my plan into writing feels incredible.
My official major is English with a concentration in Literature. I'm highly considering adding a Religious Studies minor to that, but I don't have to narrow that down quite yet. After I graduate with my Bachelors (which I hope to do in 3 years AND I'm on the right track to do that, might I add) I'm going to continue and work towards my Masters. Hopefully I'll be done with that in 5 years *fingers crossed*. I then want to continue on to graduate school and further my education. I've always thought I would sound nice with a "Dr." as my title.
Anyways, those are just the logistics of everything. What I really want to accomplish is something that will make a difference. After either graduating with my Masters or my Doctorate (haven't gotten this far yet....) I want to teach in a different area. Preferably an area where they're lacking in educational resources. Whether I'm going to be led to a different country or an impoverished area in the United States, I'm not sure. But I want to spend a couple of years impacting people and encouraging them that they CAN become something. They should never feel inadequate to those that have more money or more resources than they do. Nothing...I repeat NOTHING....makes them lesser than anyone else, and sometimes they just need a solid influence in their life to make them actually believe that. I will be that person. After finishing my time there I want to continue on and teach english at a collegiate level. I would really love to teach a special class on Middle Eastern literature or something of the sort, because that's where my interest really lies.
So far I feel like this is really what I'm called to do. I know as well as anybody else that plans have a funny way of changing themselves around, but right now I'm really in love with the life plan I have for myself. And I know that the stresses of my classes right now will pay off. I also know that I am blessed beyond belief to have the opportunity to study at a University, and, beyond that, I have the opportunity to spend everyday studying something that I absolutely love. School isn't so bad when you like what you're doing.
Best wishes.
xoxo, Liv
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