My boyfriend is the sweetest, meanest individual alive.
Why, you may ask? Well, let me tell you... Saturday, the 13th, was mine and Patrick's three months. Patrick usually comes home like...every weekend, and I assumed this weekend was no different. Boy, I was wrong. Sort of. He tricked me into believing that he was going dirt bike riding with his friend and her family instead of coming home. I was PISSED, y'all. Like, beyond mad. It was bad.
I get really mean when I'm angry, whether I mean to or not. I wasn't mean to him in a sense of telling him how awful he was or that I hated him or anything, but I was very careful in my words. The few words I DID say, including my lack of words, probably made him feel worse than I felt. And I really regret that now.
He plotted together with 4 of my closest friends, and my mom, so nobody would make plans with me. My mom told me that her and I were going out to dinner and then shopping after work. I walk in my house and I talk to her and she kept encouraging me to go change my clothes. I walked in my room, and Patrick was sitting there and he said, "Happy three months." I almost pissed myself and said a few choice words. I did not expect him there. He then took me out and we had an amazing night :)
The moral of this story is that Patrick is still the most amazing guy ever. The little things he does for me are incredible. He lied to me and stuck through me being mega-bitch all to see a huge smile on my face. And it was totally worth it. He is absolutely perfect. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend in my life.
I am the luckiest girl alive. :)
xoxo, Liv
Monday, July 15, 2013
Saturday, July 6, 2013
sunshine amidst rain
In the midst of a never-ending rain streak, positivity is scarce. I know everyone else in Cle-vegas feels the same. It's so hard to smile and actually want to get out of the house. The rain is just like...hypnotizing. All I want to do is sleep and sleep and sleep. But, sometimes you have to find some sunshine!
My sunshine for this dreary week is my life. I know that sounds kind of weird and conceited or something along those lines, but I really don't mean it like that. I mean it in a sense that I am lucky. Even though my surroundings are dark and gloomy, I have enough blessings to make my life seem like a day on the beach, which is exactly where I wish I was. But, in all reality, I'm so lucky. I have so many great things. I have great friends, a great mother, and a great boyfriend. Not to mention all of the great opportunities that are ahead of me!
I'm not going to ramble on about every single one of those things, but I am going to ramble on about my boyfriend a little bit. Patrick is amazing. I don't get to see him half as much as I would love to, but he makes every second worth the wait. The way we mesh is crazy good. I know that a couple who gets along perfectly 100% of the time doesn't exist, but we're pretty darn close. He just makes me happy. Its so simple, yet so true. He does sweet little things and every single one of them means the world to me! The way he knows me so well is incredible. In the span of a lifetime, I've been with him for a very short amount of time. But, I feel like we've known each other forever. Here's a really cute photo collage of him. Hopefully it'll make you smile half as much as he makes me smile.
My sunshine for this dreary week is my life. I know that sounds kind of weird and conceited or something along those lines, but I really don't mean it like that. I mean it in a sense that I am lucky. Even though my surroundings are dark and gloomy, I have enough blessings to make my life seem like a day on the beach, which is exactly where I wish I was. But, in all reality, I'm so lucky. I have so many great things. I have great friends, a great mother, and a great boyfriend. Not to mention all of the great opportunities that are ahead of me!
I'm not going to ramble on about every single one of those things, but I am going to ramble on about my boyfriend a little bit. Patrick is amazing. I don't get to see him half as much as I would love to, but he makes every second worth the wait. The way we mesh is crazy good. I know that a couple who gets along perfectly 100% of the time doesn't exist, but we're pretty darn close. He just makes me happy. Its so simple, yet so true. He does sweet little things and every single one of them means the world to me! The way he knows me so well is incredible. In the span of a lifetime, I've been with him for a very short amount of time. But, I feel like we've known each other forever. Here's a really cute photo collage of him. Hopefully it'll make you smile half as much as he makes me smile.
Alright, the next thing I'm going to ramble on a little bit about is the opportunities that are ahead of me. Mainly college. I'm stoked for college! Even more so now that I got my AP scores back. Good (surprising) news: I passed all of them! I passed my English one with a 4 which gets me out of both of my Freshman english classes. That makes me one very happy scholar. I'm lucky that I'm blessed with brains and intelligence. College won't be a breeze, but I know I'm up for the challenge! One day, when I'm a Nuclear Engineer doing amazing things, I'll look back on this time on my life and be even more thankful!
I could go on and on, but I'm not going to. Just know that when its dark and dreary, you need to stay positive! It's a hard thing to do, but I promise that every single person has something to light up their world. Just take a second and find it. :)
xoxo, Liv
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
life of a doormat
Tonight I did something stupid.
It wasn't really something extreme, and it probably doesn't even matter in the huge scheme of life, but I feel worthless.
I'm not even going to really go into detail, but have you ever sent a text message and then just thought, "Why did I send that?"...yeah, I was living that life.
I didn't even have bad intentions..I promise. And I didn't come out of it doing anything bad either, so don't get the wrong idea! I didn't say anything that wasn't true or say anything that was mean, and I wasn't unfaithful by any means! But, I did say what was on my mind. And it probably should have stayed on my mind..
That's the thing about me: most things that are on my mind should stay there..and for good reason! Not because they're mean, but they usually dig a hole. The only thing I wanted to do tonight was make peace. I didn't want to create a friendship. I didn't want someone to think I was crawling back to them. I didn't want to make someone feel worthless. I just wanted peace. I wanted to gain respect from someone that I thought owed me some respect. I guess he doesn't really owe me anything though. And he had no problem telling me that...well, that and other things I didn't really want to hear.
Break-ups are never fun y'all. I really just wanted to have a civil aura between me and a certain person. But, that will apparently never be achieved. Instead, I will continue to be a "doormat" as he called me, and move on with my life. You know why I'll move on? Because I'm happy.
I'm the type of person that hates negativity. If I think that someone thinks poorly of me, I will do what I can to change that, regardless of who the person is. I want people to think good things about me, because I always try hard. I always try to be a good, loving person. If anyone sees anything but that...there's a problem. And there WAS a problem.
Did I fix it? No.
Did I try? Yes.
And that's all that matters. My part is done, and I know that I did what I could to be the caring person that I truly am.
Thankfully I have my sweet boy, Patrick, to lift my spirits and remind me of the person I truly am. Everyone needs someone to bring out the best in them.
xoxo, Liv
It wasn't really something extreme, and it probably doesn't even matter in the huge scheme of life, but I feel worthless.
I'm not even going to really go into detail, but have you ever sent a text message and then just thought, "Why did I send that?"...yeah, I was living that life.
I didn't even have bad intentions..I promise. And I didn't come out of it doing anything bad either, so don't get the wrong idea! I didn't say anything that wasn't true or say anything that was mean, and I wasn't unfaithful by any means! But, I did say what was on my mind. And it probably should have stayed on my mind..
That's the thing about me: most things that are on my mind should stay there..and for good reason! Not because they're mean, but they usually dig a hole. The only thing I wanted to do tonight was make peace. I didn't want to create a friendship. I didn't want someone to think I was crawling back to them. I didn't want to make someone feel worthless. I just wanted peace. I wanted to gain respect from someone that I thought owed me some respect. I guess he doesn't really owe me anything though. And he had no problem telling me that...well, that and other things I didn't really want to hear.
Break-ups are never fun y'all. I really just wanted to have a civil aura between me and a certain person. But, that will apparently never be achieved. Instead, I will continue to be a "doormat" as he called me, and move on with my life. You know why I'll move on? Because I'm happy.
I'm the type of person that hates negativity. If I think that someone thinks poorly of me, I will do what I can to change that, regardless of who the person is. I want people to think good things about me, because I always try hard. I always try to be a good, loving person. If anyone sees anything but that...there's a problem. And there WAS a problem.
Did I fix it? No.
Did I try? Yes.
And that's all that matters. My part is done, and I know that I did what I could to be the caring person that I truly am.
Thankfully I have my sweet boy, Patrick, to lift my spirits and remind me of the person I truly am. Everyone needs someone to bring out the best in them.
xoxo, Liv
I haven't blogged in a good while.. I apologize to the like...two people that read this!
If you're interested in the rest of my New Orleans trip: ask me. I'll post something if people care.. But I got so busy that I didn't have time to post then and there!
This post, however, is going to be about my college, future that is.
Ya'll...I'm so excited. And so stinking nervous at the same time. It's easy to be confident and say that everything is going to work beautifully for me and that I'm smart so I'll ace everything and that people will love me...but I could be wrong. I could be very wrong.
What if I flunk?
What if people think I'm weird?
What if I get caught up in the wrong crowd and then I don't even know who I really am anymore?
So many things haunt me. But, I'm ready for change. I'm ready to face the world of Knoxville. Stepping outside the safety net of Cleveland that has been my home for the past 18 years of my life is so invigorating. It's the kind of scary that's needed. Good scary. Everyone needs to see the world, and even though Knoxville is only right down the road, it's still different. People have different views and there's a substantial amount of variety! Variety makes me a happy girl. I can't wait to meet new people and broaden the types of friends that I have around. Hopefully others will feel the way I do! I'm sure I'm not the only one scared of making friends though.
My studies terrify me. Who wouldn't be terrified of nuclear engineering? Frankly, it's a terrifying thing to even say! Hopefully I won't lose my ambition or love of learning. Hopefully I'll continue to thrive in my intelligence, and I'll be successful whereever I end up...whether it be nuclear engineering or somewhere else!
In a nutshell, I'm so ready for college. I'm ready to grow up and see what the world has to offer.
Goodbye, Cleveland.
Hello, Knoxville. a month that is. :)
xoxo, Liv
If you're interested in the rest of my New Orleans trip: ask me. I'll post something if people care.. But I got so busy that I didn't have time to post then and there!
This post, however, is going to be about my college, future that is.
Ya'll...I'm so excited. And so stinking nervous at the same time. It's easy to be confident and say that everything is going to work beautifully for me and that I'm smart so I'll ace everything and that people will love me...but I could be wrong. I could be very wrong.
What if I flunk?
What if people think I'm weird?
What if I get caught up in the wrong crowd and then I don't even know who I really am anymore?
So many things haunt me. But, I'm ready for change. I'm ready to face the world of Knoxville. Stepping outside the safety net of Cleveland that has been my home for the past 18 years of my life is so invigorating. It's the kind of scary that's needed. Good scary. Everyone needs to see the world, and even though Knoxville is only right down the road, it's still different. People have different views and there's a substantial amount of variety! Variety makes me a happy girl. I can't wait to meet new people and broaden the types of friends that I have around. Hopefully others will feel the way I do! I'm sure I'm not the only one scared of making friends though.
My studies terrify me. Who wouldn't be terrified of nuclear engineering? Frankly, it's a terrifying thing to even say! Hopefully I won't lose my ambition or love of learning. Hopefully I'll continue to thrive in my intelligence, and I'll be successful whereever I end up...whether it be nuclear engineering or somewhere else!
In a nutshell, I'm so ready for college. I'm ready to grow up and see what the world has to offer.
Goodbye, Cleveland.
Hello, Knoxville. a month that is. :)
xoxo, Liv
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