Saturday, December 21, 2013

nash-vegas, we love ya!

Traveling is by far one of my favorite things to do. However, travel as a college kid is H-A-R-D hard. Mostly because we have no money. Because we're in college. Anyhow, I'm thankful for the trip that Patrick and I got to take to Nash-vegas!

Though in our home state of Tennessee, Nashville was a beautiful little getaway. We had the opportunity to stay with our friends Paige and Cody. Cody is Patrick's roommate, and Paige is my future roommate. They just so happen to be dating which makes things perfect. They welcomed us into their homes, and we had a fantastic few days!

Day 1:
We arrived mid-afternoon at Cody's house. We were met there by him and Paige, and we got to meet Cody's mom! From there we headed to Paige's place and made homemade pizzas. We concocted several different things, and they were all delicious! After our lovely homemade dinner we headed to Climb Nashville. I wasn't too ecstatic about climbing because I'm a weakling, but I had a blast! There were walls that had all different difficulty levels, along with bouldering walls and more difficult things! You had a harness and whatnot as well, so I didn't feel like I was fighting death the entire time.
Here is a glimpse of Climb Nashville:
After climbing we went back to Paige's and played hours worth of Mario Kart. It was a good little first day.

Day 2:
We woke up kind of late, but we got the day started. We headed over to Cody's for lunch and had some delicious leftovers. After eating we headed to the city. We walked around and saw a lot of the local Nashville spots. We went into a boot store and the Preds shop. After that we walked to the river and took a few pictures with the strip behind us. 
Here is the batman building:

The four of us; Patrick and I:
After that we went and enjoyed some appetizers at a place called Demos'. Patrick and I got some cheesy garlic bread, and Paige and Cody got some soup. And of course we both devoured their famous rolls. After enjoying appetizers at Demos' we headed across Nashville to enjoy dinner at a place called Maggianos. It was so delicious, and we made it out of there only spending $2.25 for the four of us! We did pretty good. 
Here's a cute couple pic of Maggianos:
After all of our good eating, we headed back to Paige's and played some more games on the Wii and watched a movie. Our time was flying by. 

Day 3:
Our third day was just a free day. Cody and Patrick joined us fairly early, and we just hung around Paige's. We had some leftovers for lunch, and then maximized our laziness. We played Volopoly, but didn't finish. I was of course coming in last place. Losing games is my specialty! Before we could finish we had to go to dinner at Cody's house. His mom made delicious turkey enchiladas. After dinner we headed to the Grand Ol' Opry to see the lights. They were incredible. 
Here is my photo documentation of all of its wonder:

I may be biased, but this one's my favorite: 

After exploring, we went back to Cody's and played Life. I almost won, but Paige beat me out. Then we went back to Paige and finished our game of Monopoly. Cody killed everyone. We then played some more Mario Kart, but we were all exhausted. 

Day 4:
The fourth day wasn't really a full day. We got to explore the Bass Pro shop (mostly for Patrick) and then ate lunch at Rainforest Cafe (mostly for me). The food at Rainforest is always good, and it makes me feel like a kid to go eat there! It was so great. Then we said our goodbyes and parted ways. 

I'm so glad that Patrick and I have such amazing friends, and that we were able to invade their area for a little bit! It was so much fun and was the perfect little getaway. Thanks, Cody and Paige, for allowing us to come! 

And, see ya later Nashville! We can't wait to come back. 

xoxo, Liv

Saturday, December 14, 2013

first semester: check!

So, the last month has been so hectic. I haven't had time to blog at all, which is sad. Every time I go to write a new post, I figure out how much I love it. After that, I vow to write religiously. However, every time I don't. I want this time to be different, but who knows if it actually will be.

This post is going to be a jumbled mess of everything. But that's okay. My life is also a sort of jumbled mess, so I'm sure this will depict my life pretty accurately. Let's reflect on the past semester.

I started out with a rough time. I'm not going to go into detail about it, because that's way too much for me to go into AGAIN, and I've realized that nobody actually cares.. I was involved in engineering (blech) and band (even more blech). But, some good things came out of it! I made an amazing friend in band. Her name is Melanie. I don't know if I've talked about her yet, but I'm so thankful for her! I wouldn't have gotten through any of band if it wasn't for her. We are very similar yet very different. We shared one important thing though: we both hated band. Luckily, even with band being over, we still talk! And I think we'll continue to talk, because she's a quality gal. 

Here's Mel and I.

Through all of the stress and craziness of being an engineering major involved in the biggest student organization on campus, I still managed to make some time for fun! I got to attend my first college sporting event as something besides a bando. Unfortunately, it wasn't football. However, it was basketball, which is almost as fun as football! (And a lot shorter which, if you ask me, is a massive plus.) I had many-a-nights spent out at cereal bar (better known as The Knoxville Pearl which is a hole in the wall that's TOTALLY worth going to if you're in the area for more than a day) and took my fair share of trips to Ritas and Coolato Gelato (both quality dessert places). I got to experience Knoxville's great eateries and burn some calories at the infamous Jump Jam. I also took some time to explore the surrounding mountains by going hiking with my darling and two of our friends! I know I spent a great amount of time unnecessarily complaining about this semester, but it was actually fun. 

Basketball pictures

Cereal bar

Hiking to Chimney Tops 

Along with doing fun things, and meeting Melanie, I've also made some more quality friendships. Some friendships have fallen apart, but only for others to fall into place. I've met some sweet girls who were willing to take me in and allow me to live with them next year! It was iffy, especially since I only knew one of them, Paige, at first. However, upon meeting the second, Grace, I knew things were going to work perfectly! I don't really know the third, Holly, as well, but from what I've seen she's a sweetheart. No girls can get along 100% of the time, but I don't foresee any issues. They're beautiful girls with beautiful personalities. They're a positive influence on me and help bring me up, even if they don't see it. I've finally learned to surround myself with positive people. You just feel better about yourself and life when you go about it with a positive outlook and have people to build you up. I think meeting them is what I was most thankful for this semester. I wish it would've happened earlier rather than later, but I suppose everything happens at a certain time for a certain reason, and I'm not going to question it. God put me, and them, there for a reason. 

Here's a 'Merry Christmas' photo from Paige, Grace, and I

Although not in grave detail, this is a pretty good timeline of my semester. It has definitely come to a close, and I've never been happier. I made good grades, pulling out an A- in engineering, which I NEVER thought I would do. Complaints have been common, but overall I'm thankful for the first semester that I had. All of the challenges and difficulties I faced helped shape me into the individual I am now. I've learned what (and who) is really important in my life. I've discontinued trying to be someone I'm not, and I've just accepted the fact that maybe not everyone is going to like who I'm meant to be. And that's okay. I may not have been happy 100% of the time, but through the tears I've bettered myself. And I wouldn't change a single thing. 


Friday, November 15, 2013

college changes you

Every student who is approaching their college career has heard people say, "college changes you." If you are anything like me, you had no problem saying that you were never going to change. When you're just so sure of yourself, why in the world would you ever allow something like college to change you? Looking back, I was wrong. And if you're saying that now, you're wrong too. You will change. I'm a walking example of the fact that college DOES change even the stubborn-est of individuals.

A couple of days ago, I was freezing my ass off walking around campus in my boyfriend's oversized Brazil quarter-zip. I had leftover curls in my hair and the entire sidewalk I was on was practically deserted. It's times like those when I allow my mind to wander. Sometimes that's bad, but I felt like this time it made sense. I began to play through my life before college and compare it to the first semester of college that I am (almost) done enduring. It was odd.

Before college, I cared. A lot. About myself, about others, about things that didn't need to be cared for. Even though I enjoyed to be lazily dressed and didn't always dress to the nines, I cared about my appearance quite a bit. I cared about what other people thought about me. I cared that my grades were nothing but perfection, and anything less than an A was not satisfactory in my book. I payed a lot of attention to others. I looked at how they were dressed (bad, I know), how they looked (even worse, sorry), and their personalities. I wanted everyone to like me. I needed the approval of everyone around me. In other words, I spent the first 18 years of my life working SO hard to impress and gain approval of people that would vanish from my life in a matter of months.

Now, as the first semester of my college career comes to a close, I'm a totally different Olivia. I feel foreign in my own world, but it's not such a bad thing. I've realized that sometimes it takes (what seems like) your whole world crashing down around you to realize your fatal flaws. Now, I don't care so much about what I wear. I'm a college kid, so I do wear norts/leggings and a t-shirt everyday, but even when I wear "normal clothing" it's comfy and not uber-expensive. I've become familiar with sale racks, thrift shops, and the saying "I don't have the money for that". And, that's okay. I'm okay with that. It's making me appreciate the things I DO have that so many others don't. I've come to realize that having a few good friends is worth more than having everyone in the world love you. I've lost a few friends in messy ways recently, but I couldn't be happier with the amazing individuals I have in my life. They bring me up constantly and keep me laughing. Although grades don't mean everything to me anymore (maybe this is a new flaw?), I'm still determined to keep them where they need to be. Oh, and most importantly, I've learned to follow my heart. That's my favorite lesson of all.

To wrap this up, here is a beautiful picture of my favorite building on UT's campus, Ayres.

Thank you, UT, for making me a different person. It's okay to let college change you.
xoxo, Liv

Thursday, October 10, 2013

october woes

The month of October has thrown me just about every curve ball imaginable, and it's only 10 days in. If the rest of the month doesn't improve, I'm not so sure I can make it. I suppose it's natural for every college-aged human being to be extra stressed around midterms time, but I feel like life is handing it to me full force.

I'm still not making friends. I don't know if I got sprayed with human repellent at birth, or if I smell weird, or if I'm ugly, but people don't acknowledge me. I go through my classes without social interaction. People have their friends and I'm just not included in that. Don't get me wrong, I have made a FEW friends, but they aren't in my classes. And it is SO hard to step foot in a classroom and feel like you're in complete isolation, yet surrounded by people who aren't. I would bet money that 90% don't even know my name. Or that I exist. In a world like UT, it's hard.

I'm still hating my major. Well, technically my major got changed, but I'm still taking the same classes for the old one. My test scores are much improved, but I feel like I'm still wasting time. I have no desire to complete the tasks that I'm given. I'm only doing things to get the grade, rather than soak up the information.

The cherry on top of my entire sundae though, is my roommate. I should've listened to everyone when they said, "You'll regret rooming with your best friend." and "Every little thing she does will start to bother you." No freaking joke. There are major issues in that department, but I'm not going to go into detail. The part about the issues that bothers me, is it's ALL my fault. Apparently I'm just so hard to live with and I make peoples' lives miserable. Who knew that good intentions could turn out oh so badly? I know how to own up to my actions and admit my wrongdoings, but I also know that everything is not my fault. And that you can't accomplish anything if you aren't open with each other. There are so many issues at hand, and my stick is only going to get shorter when she moves out. Yes, it's one of those stories where one of the roomies packs her bags. I'm slightly bitter about it because I didn't have to live where I am now. I could have lived with honors kids in the living and learning community, but I didn't because a certain someone wanted to room with me. So I kept MY end of the bargain, but it doesn't matter to the other party. They can do them and not thing a single thing about the repercussions on someone who was their supposed best friend. The moral of that story is, 'You live and you learn' but I hate that I'm having to learn this way.

I'm so so so discouraged and at the point of giving up moreso than I've ever been. Emotional breakdowns are a frequent for me, and I feel so alone. I know that it won't be like this forever, and that everything will straighten itself out, but right now I feel like nothing is in my favor. All of my sticks are short, and pretty soon they'll be non-existent. I'm ready for things to look up. I wish I had a good solution for the college life I'm trying to live, but I don't.

I think I'm done venting, but sometimes it helps to get thoughts out in a way other than texts or tears.

xoxo, Liv

Monday, September 30, 2013

social media cleanse

This will be short, but worthy.

Right now my life is so scattered and out of whack. Everywhere I turn I have exams, assignments due, a room to clean, and people to please. Instead of being productive all of the time, I spend a great deal of my time on social media. So, it's time for a social media cleanse.

Yes, I know blogging is kind of social media, but I'm going to stretch it because: 
A) writing is good for the soul, and 
B) nobody reads this thing anyways so it isn't like I'm interacting with people. 

I've never done a cleanse like this before, but I feel like it will benefit me more than any other cleanse I could do. I hope to focus in on studying, classes, and actually utilizing my time, whether it be for sleep or work. I'm going to do this for two weeks to see where I end up. I'm really determined to not give in early, and I think the outcome is going to be a huge help to me and the way I feel about college life in general. 

So, wish me luck, y'all! This is an adventure I'm not so sure I'm ready to tackle. 

xoxo, Liv

Friday, September 13, 2013

passion is greater

College. That one, miniscule word scares the absolute daylights out of me.

It's been months since I've blogged. It's been about a month since I've been in my new world. Something's gotta change though, so I'm going to try to visit this on a more regular basis. It's such a fantastic outlet for thoughts and feelings that have been building upon each other to the point where my insides probably look like the house of a hoarder. We'll say I'm a thought hoarder.

As of today, my major is Nuclear Engineering. As of today, I've also decided that it will not be my major for much longer. Engineering is NOT for me. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that I've wasted a semester in something that's making me so miserable. It isn't because I can't handle it; I'm a smart cookie. But I can't stand it. Doing math everyday is not my thing. 

The people in engineering are not like me. One of my biggest struggles so far has been that I haven't really made many friends. It isn't because I'm an antisocial freak or a wallflower or anything of the sort. I truly believe its because of my major. I just don't click with anything in that department. It's not my calling. It's certainly not what I'm meant to spend the rest of my life doing. 

My conclusion is that I have to change my major. I have a passion for words. I have a passion for great literature. I have a passion for the Middle East. It's a little strange how I had to come about my passion by realizing what WASN'T my passion, but I'm glad I got there. I just took the scenic route. I really want to be an English major. I know that jobs aren't overflowing in that department, especially well paying ones, but it will make me happy. And regardless of the amount of money I have in my bank account, if I'm miserable every day it isn't worth it. I would love to teach at a collegiate or upper high school level. I want to be able to share my passion with people who have the potential to be changed by it. Eventually I would love to follow in the footsteps of one of my great role models and create a curriculum for a special class that emphasizes something I'm super passionate about. I want to teach something along the lines of Middle Eastern studies or middle eastern literature. The Middle East fascinates me so much and I would love to open that realm for people who could potentially share my fascination. 

I've pretty much gone from one end of the job spectrum to the other in less than a month. I feel like maybe I'm insane or confused or insanely confused, but at least I can be happy. I just have to get through this semester of engineering classes. It's really hard for me and I wish there was an easy way out now rather than having to wait, but there's not. Oh well. 

You live and you learn. And if I've learned one thing, it's this: do what YOU want and not what everyone else wants you to do. Go with your gut feeling and embrace your passion. If you don't embrace that passion, then who will? How many people are missing out on the opportunity to learn something great because the person who was passionate about it chose money instead? Or was too afraid that they would never succeed? I'm glad that I came to that realization. Hopefully all the pieces of my jigsaw puzzle of life will fall into place, and everyone else's will too. 

Happy college, y'all! 

xoxo, Liv 

Monday, July 15, 2013

three months

My boyfriend is the sweetest, meanest individual alive.

Why, you may ask? Well, let me tell you... Saturday, the 13th, was mine and Patrick's three months. Patrick usually comes home like...every weekend, and I assumed this weekend was no different. Boy, I was wrong. Sort of. He tricked me into believing that he was going dirt bike riding with his friend and her family instead of coming home. I was PISSED, y'all. Like, beyond mad. It was bad.

I get really mean when I'm angry, whether I mean to or not. I wasn't mean to him in a sense of telling him how awful he was or that I hated him or anything, but I was very careful in my words. The few words I DID say, including my lack of words, probably made him feel worse than I felt. And I really regret that now.

He plotted together with 4 of my closest friends, and my mom, so nobody would make plans with me. My mom told me that her and I were going out to dinner and then shopping after work. I walk in my house and I talk to her and she kept encouraging me to go change my clothes. I walked in my room, and Patrick was sitting there and he said, "Happy three months." I almost pissed myself and said a few choice words. I did not expect him there. He then took me out and we had an amazing night :)

The moral of this story is that Patrick is still the most amazing guy ever. The little things he does for me are incredible. He lied to me and stuck through me being mega-bitch all to see a huge smile on my face. And it was totally worth it. He is absolutely perfect. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend in my life.

I am the luckiest girl alive. :)

xoxo, Liv

Saturday, July 6, 2013

sunshine amidst rain

In the midst of a never-ending rain streak, positivity is scarce. I know everyone else in Cle-vegas feels the same. It's so hard to smile and actually want to get out of the house. The rain is just like...hypnotizing. All I want to do is sleep and sleep and sleep. But, sometimes you have to find some sunshine!

My sunshine for this dreary week is my life. I know that sounds kind of weird and conceited or something along those lines, but I really don't mean it like that. I mean it in a sense that I am lucky. Even though my surroundings are dark and gloomy, I have enough blessings to make my life seem like a day on the beach, which is exactly where I wish I was. But, in all reality, I'm so lucky. I have so many great things. I have great friends, a great mother, and a great boyfriend. Not to mention all of the great opportunities that are ahead of me!

I'm not going to ramble on about every single one of those things, but I am going to ramble on about my boyfriend a little bit. Patrick is amazing. I don't get to see him half as much as I would love to, but he makes every second worth the wait. The way we mesh is crazy good. I know that a couple who gets along perfectly 100% of the time doesn't exist, but we're pretty darn close. He just makes me happy. Its so simple, yet so true. He does sweet little things and every single one of them means the world to me! The way he knows me so well is incredible. In the span of a lifetime, I've been with him for a very short amount of time. But, I feel like we've known each other forever. Here's a really cute photo collage of him. Hopefully it'll make you smile half as much as he makes me smile.

Alright, the next thing I'm going to ramble on a little bit about is the opportunities that are ahead of me. Mainly college. I'm stoked for college! Even more so now that I got my AP scores back. Good (surprising) news: I passed all of them! I passed my English one with a 4 which gets me out of both of my Freshman english classes. That makes me one very happy scholar. I'm lucky that I'm blessed with brains and intelligence. College won't be a breeze, but I know I'm up for the challenge! One day, when I'm a Nuclear Engineer doing amazing things, I'll look back on this time on my life and be even more thankful!

I could go on and on, but I'm not going to. Just know that when its dark and dreary, you need to stay positive! It's a hard thing to do, but I promise that every single person has something to light up their world. Just take a second and find it. :)

xoxo, Liv

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

life of a doormat

Tonight I did something stupid.

It wasn't really something extreme, and it probably doesn't even matter in the huge scheme of life, but I feel worthless.

I'm not even going to really go into detail, but have you ever sent a text message and then just thought, "Why did I send that?"...yeah, I was living that life.

I didn't even have bad intentions..I promise. And I didn't come out of it doing anything bad either, so don't get the wrong idea! I didn't say anything that wasn't true or say anything that was mean, and I wasn't unfaithful by any means! But, I did say what was on my mind. And it probably should have stayed on my mind..

That's the thing about me: most things that are on my mind should stay there..and for good reason! Not because they're mean, but they usually dig a hole. The only thing I wanted to do tonight was make peace. I didn't want to create a friendship. I didn't want someone to think I was crawling back to them. I didn't want to make someone feel worthless. I just wanted peace. I wanted to gain respect from someone that I thought owed me some respect. I guess he doesn't really owe me anything though. And he had no problem telling me that...well, that and other things I didn't really want to hear.

Break-ups are never fun y'all. I really just wanted to have a civil aura between me and a certain person. But, that will apparently never be achieved. Instead, I will continue to be a "doormat" as he called me, and move on with my life. You know why I'll move on? Because I'm happy.

I'm the type of person that hates negativity. If I think that someone thinks poorly of me, I will do what I can to change that, regardless of who the person is. I want people to think good things about me, because I always try hard. I always try to be a good, loving person. If anyone sees anything but that...there's a problem. And there WAS a problem.

Did I fix it? No.

Did I try? Yes.

And that's all that matters. My part is done, and I know that I did what I could to be the caring person that I truly am.

Thankfully I have my sweet boy, Patrick, to lift my spirits and remind me of the person I truly am. Everyone needs someone to bring out the best in them.

xoxo, Liv


I haven't blogged in a good while.. I apologize to the like...two people that read this!
If you're interested in the rest of my New Orleans trip: ask me. I'll post something if people care.. But I got so busy that I didn't have time to post then and there!

This post, however, is going to be about my college, future that is.

Ya'll...I'm so excited. And so stinking nervous at the same time. It's easy to be confident and say that everything is going to work beautifully for me and that I'm smart so I'll ace everything and that people will love me...but I could be wrong. I could be very wrong.

What if I flunk?

What if people think I'm weird?

What if I get caught up in the wrong crowd and then I don't even know who I really am anymore?

So many things haunt me. But, I'm ready for change. I'm ready to face the world of Knoxville. Stepping outside the safety net of Cleveland that has been my home for the past 18 years of my life is so invigorating. It's the kind of scary that's needed. Good scary. Everyone needs to see the world, and even though Knoxville is only right down the road, it's still different. People have different views and there's a substantial amount of variety! Variety makes me a happy girl. I can't wait to meet new people and broaden the types of friends that I have around. Hopefully others will feel the way I do! I'm sure I'm not the only one scared of making friends though.

My studies terrify me. Who wouldn't be terrified of nuclear engineering? Frankly, it's a terrifying thing to even say! Hopefully I won't lose my ambition or love of learning. Hopefully I'll continue to thrive in my intelligence, and I'll be successful whereever I end up...whether it be nuclear engineering or somewhere else!

In a nutshell, I'm so ready for college. I'm ready to grow up and see what the world has to offer.

Goodbye, Cleveland.

Hello, Knoxville. a month that is. :)

xoxo, Liv

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

new orleans: take four!

I swear today felt like the longest day of my life...but not in a bad way! We started our day off with a meal at this cute little place across from our hotel. It was called The Ruby Slipper. It's just a breakfast/brunch/lunch place and it looks like a little hole in the wall, but it was SO delicious. I had a really yummy caprese sandwich with a side salad. The dressing on the salad was like house specialty. It was some type of creole tomato something-or-other. But good golly, it was yummy.

After lunch we went and took a bus tour all around the city. New Orleans is so big. Like...I knew it was a decent sized city, but there's so much to it! So much! We sat on the top level of a double decker bus and got to listen to a bunch of historical fun facts and see so many different things. We got to see the garden district and the really cool cemeteries. We got to see all of the nooks and crannies and cute restaurants and boutiques and everything. It was really neat. When we got off the bus, the bus driver gave us beads so that was also really awesome!

After the bus ride my mom and grandmother went back to the casino...go figure. Becca and I then headed towards the French Quarter and made a stop at CafƩ Du Monde. Of course we got beignets, and we both got chocolate milk to go along with it. It was like a funnel cake on crack aka the best thing I've ever ingested. I kind of felt 500 pounds afterwards though... But we won't go there. From CafƩ Du Monde we headed to Foot Locker and bought some new Norts. Norts make me love my life and inspire me to work out so that was good for today!

When we got back to the hotel my mom and grandmother were ready for dinner. We had intended on going to this Italian place. We took a trolley and everything....and the restaurant was shut down. Our luck. So we walked a little farther and found this adorable little cafƩ. I don't even remember the name of it, but it was wonderful! I wasn't really hungry at all, but I got an Arnold Palmer (my fave) and some tomato crab bisque. They meshed perfectly and it was seriously the perfect dinner. Then we walked to a froyo place! But I was way too full for froyo so Becca got to enjoy that one! Then we headed back to our room.

I put legs to my inspiration and followed up my day with a run. A run. Me. ....I don't run. Ever. But I'm glad I did! I feel really good now. Even though it was on a treadmill, I ran a mile and a half straight through. That's a huge accomplishment for me! Even though that seems minute, it was like climbing a mountain. I can remember when I used to be able to run like 3 miles...not anymore! But I was really proud of myself, even if it kicked my butt.

Now, here I am. Blogging about my fourth day in this beautiful city. I love it here and part of me never wants to leave! However, it's taking a toll on my body. I'm exhausted. But I love it. So I'm going to keep exhausting myself and save the sleeping for home sweet home! Two more full days, New Orleans....bring it on!

Enjoy more pitchaaaaaas.

xoxo, Liv

Monday, June 3, 2013

day threeeeee: new orleans style

Ohhhh, day three. I am feeling it. I love vacations, y'all, don't get me wrong! But they tire me out! I feel like there is no such thing as a relaxing vacation. To me, "relaxing vacation" is SUCH an oxymoron...but I suppose everyone is different.

Anyways, I started my day today with some good, old-fashioned cardio! Well, I used an elliptical so I guess it really wasn't old-fashioned, but you know. Starting my day out with a work out was much more pleasurable than ending my day with a workout, so that was good! It kicked my butt and then I sat in the sauna and sweated even more for a solid 20 minutes! After my morning workout I came back and got ready for the day.

Today was hella hot. Like nasty, dripping sweat hot. Me, my mom, and Becca walked around Jackson Square and the French Market. I bought more stuff...go figure. I'm 99.9% sure I have a shopping addiction, but we'll get into that later. Most of the stuff was legitimate junk. Like flea market junk. But we did encounter a really neat female artist! She painted cute little quotes on stuff and I was in stereotypical white girl heaven! We then had lunch at Margaritaville which is ALWAYS a win. After walking around the market and eating the best burger of my life, we made our way to an old convent. Nuns freak me out. Yes, I'm catholic. Yes, they're admired in the catholic faith. No, I do not like them. They are scary and just...augh. I don't really know what "augh" means, but it fit. Luckily there were no nuns in the convent because I probably would have pissed myself. However, there was a nice little vampire ghost story that went along with it! If you're interested, read this blog post:
Vampire Ghost Story

After that we went into this massive cathedral and my mom lit a candle for my grandfather, so that was nice. Right outside the cathedral there was a cute little brass group playing! They were so good. Jazz music makes my heart smile more than anything else. We then headed back to the hotel and proceeded to take a good little nap while my mom and grandma hit up the casino. When they got back it was time for some more exploration. We went down Bourbon Street. Oh my. It was slightly terrifying/scarring/all things disgusting. We passed like 439248 porn stripper whatever places. I don't like to see female bodies like that. Ew. We also witnessed a dog who was trained to play dead, a fairly attractive male playing guitar, and the jazz band we watched earlier conjoined with some saxophones! The tenor player kicked some serious br-ass. Haha, get it? Oooookay.. We then decided to find some frozen drinks and an appetizer because we weren't really hungry. We went to House of Blues again and were faced with some major disappointment when we were told that they didn't have a blender. Alas, we had to forgo the frozen drinks, but we DID get some delicious jerk chicken wings. They were yummy and then we went back to the hotel.

Today was SO long. We got a lot in though. It was super fun and I feel like I got a taste of some true New Orleans culture! I'm excited to see what the rest of my week holds.

Enjoy more pictchas!

xoxo, Liv

new orleans lovin': day two!

Becca and I took day two of New Orleans by storm. Take that how you wish considering it was pouring of rain...... Okay, but really. Our second day here was pretty awesome!

We woke up this morning and lounged around for like ever. Mostly because it was pouring, but partly because we're lazy as all get out. Once we finally got ready, my mom and grandma pranced off to the casino leaving Becca and I to fend for ourselves in the city. It was a tough life full of crazies, but we made it. Actually, we didn't encounter any crazies during the first part of our day: we spent it...SHOPPING. Ah, yes. Glorious city shopping. I could literally spend thousands of dollars here and I would LOVE my life. L. O. V. E. Lovelovelovelovelove it. I really actually just love shopping and buying new things and spending money and then basking in the glory of all my new items! Sometimes thats a problem, but not today! I acquired an adorable pair of shorts and an orange/white tank from this super cute boutique. They were having a sale that you seriously couldn't turn down. Then we went to Urban Outfitters and I got another super cute pair of shorts, and tank top, and a little bandeau thingy to put underneath it! All of these purchases made me feel happy inside, but none of them made me feel as happy as the things I bought for my sweet boy! I got him a Mumford and Sons record, a guitar pick, and a t-shirt from the House of Blues! I also got myself a t-shirt from House of Blues and a sticker for my computer. :)

House of Blues was so amazing. They played great music and the architecture was so awesome! I got lobster macaroni and cheese for dinner. It was like a 5 year old's heaven for an 18 year old. It was seriously so delicious. For lunch, we ate at Huck Finn's cafe...or something like that. They had these awesome fried pickles: bread and butter pickles fried in a jalepeƱo batter. I could've eaten them all day and not felt guilty. Maybe I would've felt guilty when I hit that 400 pound mark, but I like to pretend sometimes that I'm invincible up against food. But for real y'all, they were good good stuff. I also had an alligator po boy. I'm glad to know that alligators are good for something besides eating peoples heads off. They taste really good, too.

That pretty much sums up my day and eating. But then again, that kind of sums up my life, doesn't it? Oh well! No shame.

Here are some pictures to show my New Orleans lovin'.

xoxo, Liv

Saturday, June 1, 2013

new orleans: day uno!

Today marks day uno of New Orleans. If you've never been to New Orleans you are SO missing out. I am literally in love with this city, and we just arrived earlier today.

Being in band for what seems like forever, I'm such a music lover. New Orleans is THE place for music. Everywhere you go there is jazz music playing; sometimes it's a recording and sometimes it's live! Plus the city life is just incredible.

Like any big city it's slightly terrifying, but extremely exciting. Walking down the street you get a glimpse of so many different walks of life. I saw a girl with multi-colored dreads, and a man looking woman who probably used to be a man at one point...or a woman...not so sure. We watched a guy perform magic tricks and witnessed a small parade that consisted of a tuba, trombone, and other brass instruments playing jazz music!

 For dinner we ate at a small little cafe. It was called Cafe Pontalba and the food was SO good. It looked like a literal hole in the wall - all of the walls were like open doors. We sat at a little corner table, and I got the seat that was like right up against the "open door/wall". From the cafe you had a perfect view of a little area of the French Quarter where there were street performers and whatnot. There was an awesome little brass group performing and I was seriously in awe. It was the best dinner entertainment ever!

At the cafe I ordered barbecue shrimp.... It was delicious, but they still had little heads..and legs..and eyeballs. I learned how to successfully peel a shrimp though so that's cool! And they were totally worth it because they were the best shrimp I've EVER had in my life. After dinner we went back to the hotel and scoped out the sauna, weight room, and pool/hottub area! It was a successful evening that is now coming to close. As our evening closes, Becca and I are enjoying some 5-star vending machine grub and some hip tunes. Here's some pictures of my day!

xoxo, Liv

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

motivation, motivaion, motivation

I've learned something in the past week or so; getting in shape is HARD. Hard, hard, hard. If anyone has ever tried to eat healthy, exercise, get decent sleep, etc, etc...they know what I'm talking about. I'm not a completely unhealthy individual. I'm not humongous, and I can walk up stairs without completely dying. However, my lifestyle is not what I want it to be or what it SHOULD be for that matter. So, I'm making changes!

I could lose a solid 30 pounds and be okay. But that's not even necessarily what I'm going for! I want to be healthy. I want to be in shape and actually enjoy physical activity. And even though I've just begun, I'm totally getting there! I've surrounded myself with someone who really loves physical activity, and she is such a good influence on me. She encourages me to keep pushing even if I'm exhausted! Having good influences helps more than any amount of dedication. Or at least it does for me. I am nothing without the people that surround me. So, thankfully, I'm lucky enough to have a great motivator!

The past few days I've done Insanity, bike riding. weight lifting, and running/walking. Plus I've been eating semi-healthier. There's no doubt about the fact that I FEEL so much better. So much. When you treat your body right, then your body is going to treat YOU right. My body wants to commit a very violent murder on me while I'm working out, but afterwards it thanks me. If you've never been very active or into working out and whatnot, I encourage you to try it. Physical activity has never ever been my friend...except maybe in 7th grade when I ran track and cross country. Those days are long gone though. But, hopefully they're coming back! With a clean body and mind and whatnot, I'm able to accomplish so much more. Or at least I feel as if I am, and that's enough to MAKE me accomplish more.

At UTK, I'm making it my personal goal to stay fit. I really want to run 5ks often. Like, twice a month or so. Doing something like running is so good for you, and running for a cause makes it even better! Plus, the plethora of tshirts that I would acquire is so exciting to think about! I do love a good tshirt.. 
Well, since I just started, I can't really see a change in myself yet. But I can't wait until I can! Stay motivated, y'all, because I know I am!

xoxo, Liv

Saturday, May 25, 2013

sappy night #1

I have a very very big heart. I already knew this, but today really set it in stone for me. Someone I really really care about left today for the entire summer. He's a one-of-a-kind man and I'm blessed to have him as such an integral part of my life. My boyfriend literally hands me the world on a silver platter every time I see him. This summer is going to be so difficult for me without him..

Ladies, let me tell you something: if the man in your life doesn't treat you like the prize you are, then he's not a man and he does NOT deserve you. So many girls put up with so much unnecessary meanness, and it absolutely positively breaks my hard. Girls, if this is you, I've been in your shoes. I've been in demeaning relationships and relationships that were held together by something as weak as a small fragile string. It is not worth it. You need a man. A man who treats you like a princess.

My boyfriend is a very special individual. He puts a huge emphasis on the little things, which puts a huge emphasis on my smile! He knows how to be a classy gentleman. He always opens the car door for me - something that I haven't seen males do in ages. He knows how to be fun-loving and crazy. He can sing country and rap like nobody's business...all in a matter of minutes. He'll tickle me until I want to pee myself, all to get a smile. He also knows how to be cute and sweet. I get nose kisses and forehead kisses just as often as I get regular kisses. He's seriously perfect. Or at least he's perfect for me.

The boy may never ever know exactly how much he truly means to me, but I'm sure gonna try my best to make it blatantly obvious.

This summer, though I can have scattered visits, is going to be long. It's going to be difficult. But I trust him, and I know we'll be okay.

Apologies all around for sappy nights with Olivia.. They don't happen too often, but this one was needed. Here's a cute picture of us to either make matters better or worse. You decide.

xoxo, Liv

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

be the change

"You can do anything." "The sky is the limit" "You're gonna do great things."

All of these are things that I've heard a great deal of in the past month. Graduation is the time when everyone gives you all of the encouraging advice that they should have been giving you for the past thirteen years of your life. I've been lucky; I've always had amazing encouragers in my life. I've heard those things so frequently that I've been able to do something different with the advice: interpret it. Of course everyone is going to interpret it, but, naturally, I'm a little biased towards my interpretation. 

Everyone knows the saying, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Am I right? Well, whether you've heard it or not, it's a great saying that has a newfound meaning for me. All of the advice I've been given the past two weeks has all mashed together and become just that; the change. Be the change. I WANT to be the change. I know I'm not the only one, but I'm determined. In order to change the big world, I have to change my small one. "How are you going to do that?" one may ask. The answer is simple: take a step back. 

I can't take full credit for this next idea, because someone proposed this thought to me. However, it's a beautiful thought and it deserves to be shared with the world. 

Look up at the stars. They look so tiny; so minuscule. They look as if you could hold them in the palm of your hand and just watch them as they twinkle. But really, stars are massive balls of fire. They could engulf things much larger than our entire planet. Have you ever tried to reach a star? It's impossible because the distance is so great. But they're beautiful. 

Whether you realize it or not, the stars do something for our world. Though they appear small in size, they provide a sea of beauty that helps embellish the night sky. The stars are a lot like us. Compared to the world, we seem insignificant and tiny. But really, we can make a difference. Be a star. Be something that looks tiny, but actually withholds something strong and powerful. Be something that people look up to. Just as the little stars withhold a burning fire, find a burning fire within yourself. Find a passion for something, somewhere. If you can find that passion, you can make a difference, and you can be the change. 

What is MY passion? This is my battle right now. However, no battle goes unresolved. 

Be the change. You are the change. I am the change. 

xoxo, Liv